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We hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter and is ready for the summer term! The team here is continuing to finalise placements for international students during the summer along with ensuring everything is in place for all the students going out on work experience in June and July. Please contact Nick, Sam or Hilary anytime on 0800 6349722 or via info@proactiveeducation.co.uk should you need any help with IAG, T-Levels, SEN Placements or Gatsby benchmarks 5&6. Sidney Stringer Events We organised our first two events at Sidney Stringer before Easter. We welcomed some brilliant employers from diverse businesses such as Jaguar Land Rover, Coventry Building Society, Stratford Manor Hotel and The Metro Bank who supported Year 10 students as they prepared their CVs and Year 9 students who took part in a Speed Interviewing morning to get them to start thinking about the kinds of careers and paths they might take. Thank you everyone for helping to make these events so worthwhile and enjoyable. Sponne CV Preparation Morning Sixth form students joined a group of employers at the end of March to fine tune their CVs in readiness for finding and applying for job roles. Proactive brought in bespoke employers from JBC Training, Wilson Browne Solicitors, Abaco, South Northants Council amongst others; thank you all for supporting. Your help and advice is invaluable to our young people as they prepare themselves for the world of work. Guilsborough Enterprise Day The School had a day off timetable to put on all kinds of enterprise and careers events for the students on 29th March. Year 7 students enjoyed a fun morning working in teams to set up a farm, decide on how to manage the project, set budgets, assign tasks and so on. We had business people on hand to guide the students and they were very impressed how well the teams did. In the hall, we had employers from Cummins Engineering, Igloo Publishing, Anglian Water, Heart of England Training and many others being interviewed by Year 10 students. The young people asked lots of interesting questions to find out more about job roles, progression routes etc. It was a productive and rewarding day for all who took part: thank you to everyone involved.

By: Hilary

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