0800 6349277


YEAR 10 SPEED INTERVIEWING EVENT – FRIDAY 10TH NOVEMBER 2017 11.00AM – 15.25PM Shenley Brook End School would really welcome you to come in and join them in supporting their Year 10 students with this fun but vital event of speed interviewing before the students go out on their own work experience week. The students will move from one business volunteer to another business volunteer and spend 5/8 minutes interviewing YOU!! Yes they will be asking you questions about your job, how you got to where you are, the highs and lows of your job! This will give the students an insight into how many different job roles are out there in the world of work. Its quick fun fast paced but the students learn so much from these events. If you can do either session or both that will be super. There will be Danishes, lunch, cake and tea and coffee served throughout the day.

By: Sam

Hello there! Do you have any questions for Fred?