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Alternative Career Paths

A career path is not one straight line until you reach retirement. 

With so many new, alternative opportunities arising, taking control of your career path has never been so exciting!

Fledglink (external website) shares a few career paths you could take…


Temping is a great way to test a career you may not have originally thought of and yet its off the radar for many job seekers.

The flexibility of temping also could mean you can pick and choose when you work as well as earning some extra money.

If you are looking for a recruitment agency, make sure to choose a member of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (external website). They’re covered by a code of practice that ensures high standards.



Passionate about helping others and making the world a better place? If so, the non-profit sector could be for you.  

It can be a difficult sector to get into and you might need to do some voluntary work to start with. But if you’re passionate and hard-working, you could find a rewarding career path in the non-profit sector.

There’s a great deal of scope in terms of opportunities with charities and a variety of types to choose from. Charity Job (external website) is incredibly useful for browsing and applying to jobs in the sector.

Working in a non-profit involves a lot of hard work and can mean lower pay. However, the satisfaction from making a difference to an issue you care about is more than rewarding enough for some people.



Still not sure any of these alternatives are for you? Perhaps carving out your own career path and starting your own business is something you should try!

Being your own boss comes with many difficulties, but it can also offer a sense of satisfaction, freedom and passion that is rare to find in any other job. Owning your own business means doing everything on your own terms and the potential for profit is limitless.

Entrepreneurship isn’t easy and certainly not for the faint-hearted. To be an entrepreneur, you need to be extremely resilient. There’s always the risk that the business doesn’t succeed and if it does, growing a company can take a great deal of time and commitment.

If you’re receiving Universal Credit, Jobseeker’s Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance and have a business idea that could work, you could be eligible for the New Enterprise Allowance. Find out about eligibility and how to apply.

For more career advice and access to work opportunities visit Fledglink’s website (external website).

By: Admin.
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